Let's Get You Started Making $500-$1,000+ p/m

 With Your Own Part-Time Side Hustle

Showing women in their 50s, 60s and beyond that you can make money from home

...no matter what your personal/life circumstances are, or budget!

Gold Glitter Bar

Introducing you to

The Side Hustle Starter Kit

Get instant access to this kit which guides you through the necessary, and very essential, steps of finding and starting your perfect 'money-making' side hustle.

Side Hustle Starter Kit

Only $27 $17

Limited Time Special Offer

Inside The Kit You Get...

A 71-Page PDF Quick Start Guide which includes 70+ side hustle ideas and a self assessment exercise. See below to see what else is included in this guide... 

Self Assessment Exercise Worksheets which help you match-up a side hustle idea which is suited to you perfectly. 

Admin Worksheets to help you manage your side hustle. Master To-Do list, Daily Planner and Income Tracker.

Lock in this low price today and save $10!

ONLY $27 $17

Inside the 71-page quick start guide, you will learn:

  • The difference between a home business and a side-hustle.
  • How you can start a home-based side hustle no matter what your circumstances are [disability, menopause, life-long illness, depression, anxiety etc.].
  • Why your experience & wisdom is needed (and how to make money from it).
  • Self-assessment & business ideas match-up exercise (plus worksheets).
  • How to get started with your side hustle for under $50.

Are you feeling like I used to feel?

  • You really want to start a side hustle but literally don't know where to begin.
  • You have no idea what type of side hustle to start.
  • You're frustrated at seeing other women who are happy and succeeding in their side hustles.
  • You're lacking in confidence and don't feel like you have anything to offer.
  • You don't have much money to start a business.
  • Enter your own personal reason why you haven't started your side hustle yet _____________.

What if starting your side hustle didn't have to be so hard and overwhelming?

What if you could follow a step-by-step formula which shows you the steps you need to take to find your perfect side hustle and how to get started for under $50?

That's exactly why I created the Side Hustle Starter Kit!

Over the last 30 years I've set-up and ran twelve home businesses / side hustles - some were successful, some not. Some I enjoyed, some not so much.

So I created The Side Hustle Starter Kit to share my experience, knowledge, wisdom over the past 30 years.

Inside the starter kit I've taken my 30 years worth of knowledge and turned it into a step-by-step guide to help you find and start your perfect side hustle too!

The best part?

I show how anyone, no matter what age you are, can start a home business.

I show how anyone, no matter what your personal/life circumstances are, can find a side hustle which is suited to you.

Shy | Depression | Anxiety | Low Self-Esteem | Long-Term Illness | Disability | Extrovert | Menopause | Empty Nest | Carer | Full-Time Job

There is a side hustle which is suited to all of the above circumstances.

And I show you the two-step approach to find a side hustle which is suited to you personally.

The Side Hustle Starter Kit normally sells for $27 (which is extremely low-priced anyway), but for a limited time you can grab the entire kit for only $17 USD!

Get instant access to this kit which guides you through the necessary, and very essential steps of finding and starting your dream home business.

ONLY $17!


Lock in this extremely low price today and save $10!

Here's a recap of everything you get and learn for only $17...

  • The difference between a home business and a side-hustle.
  • How you can start a home-based side hustle no matter what your circumstances are [disability, menopause, life-long illness, depression, anxiety etc.].
  • Why your experience & wisdom is needed (and how to make money from it).
  • Self-assessment & business ideas match-up exercise (plus worksheets).
  • How to get started with your side hustle for under $50.

Quick Start Guide

You'll learn all the above inside this 71-page PDF quick start guide.

It walks you through the essential 2-step approach to start your side hustle on the right path.

Self Assessment Worksheets

As part of the 2-step approach, I guide you to do a self assessment exercise.

Once you've completed this exercise, you will then be able to match-up and find the perfect side hustle for you.

Admin Worksheets

To help you further, I've included three admin worksheet to help you keep organized and be productive with your side hustle daily activities. 

These worksheets are, 1) Master to-do list 2) Daily side hustle planner, 3) Income sales tracker.

Claire Bullerwell Creator of 'The Side Hustle Starter Kit'

Hello fellow ambitious friend,

My name is Claire Bullerwell, and over the past 30 years I've started and ran over a dozen home businesses / side hustles.

Over that time, I've made a ton of mistakes but I've also garnered a wealth of knowledge, experience & wisdom, and this has helped me to create and perfect my personal step-by-step system to find and start a money-making side hustle. 

I then used this new systematic approach to find and start my last dream home business, and I want to share it with you today to help you find your ideal side hustle.

Start planning and mapping out your perfect side hustle TODAY!

Grab The Side Hustle Starter Kit

Only $27 $17 

Limited Time Special Offer