How To Earn Passive Income With a Simple Dropshipping Business

Dropshipping is an online business model that can help you earn an amazing income from home almost passively.

So if you want to start a small business from home and only work on it part-time – but still earn a full-time income – then read on …

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Setting up a dropshipping business is a very popular choice among aspiring women entrepreneurs due to its low startup costs, flexibility, and passive income potential.

In this short article, I’ll explain exactly how you can earn passive income with a simple dropshipping e-commerce store.

Understanding the Dropshipping Model

Dropshipping is a retail fulfillment method where a store doesn’t keep the products it sells in stock. Instead, when a store sells a product, it purchases the item from a third party – usually a wholesaler or manufacturer – and has it shipped directly to the customer.

As a result, the seller (you) does not have to handle the product directly.

  • You don’t buy any stock upfront.
  • You don’t keep any stock in your home.

You purchase the product (from your dropshipping wholesaler) only when a customer buys it from your online store, and then the wholesaler sends it to the customer directly as if it were sent by you – how cool is that!

In essence, the dropshipping process involves three main entities:

  • The Customer: The end consumer who places an order on the retailer’s website.
  • The Retailer: The dropshipping business owner who sells the product online.
  • The Supplier: The wholesaler or manufacturer who fulfills the order by shipping the product directly to the customer.

So straight away you can see how little you have to do to run a dropshipping business in the first place.

So good so far, but it gets better…

Initial Set Up & Marketing

But of course, you first need to decide what products you want to sell, set up your e-commerce store, and create a marketing strategy to get eyeballs on your products.

I’ve written a blog post on the 9 Steps To Take To Setup a Simple Dropshipping Business as a quick guide on how to get started.

But once you’re all set up, then it’s time to automate your dropshipping system as much as possible so you can make passive income on a daily basis.

What Exactly is Passive Income

In the context of running an online business and dropshipping, passive income is when you make a sale automatically while you’re not actively working.

So you could make a sale of a product when:

  • You’re asleep
  • You’re shopping
  • You’re cooking
  • You’re doing housework
  • You’re on vacation!

Yes, you still have to proactively market your products, and answer any emails from customers, but the actual sale of your products will be done passively – all because you have automated systems in place.

You’re not trading time for money like freelance writing or being a virtual assistant, where you don’t get paid until you’ve completed your tasks.

Instead, you’ve created a business model where you have automated systems in place to make sales (and money) all while you’re doing other things.

Automate for Passive Income

Automation is the use of technology to perform tasks without human intervention. It uses various technologies and processes to improve efficiency, productivity, and reliability.

It’s very easy to automate tasks when you run an online business because software can easily be created and developed to help the business owner with certain tasks.

And this is true when it comes to running a dropshipping business.

Introducing Auto-DS

This leads me onto the automated software tool for e-commerce store owners called Auto DS (standing for Automated Dropshipping).

This is an amazing software tool that makes running a dropshipping business so much easier.

Here are some of the features of the AutoDs tool…

  • Product research system
  • AI-built Shopify store (e-commerce store)
  • One-click product import images to your store
  • Automated order fulfillment
  • Product sourcing

It really is an all-in-one dropshippers dream come true!

Learn more about starting your own dropshipping business and how to automate it so you can earn passive income.